Come inside Koenigsegg’s Swedish factory with Driven

1:22 AM

Watching the processes which are involved in creating any piece of machinery, let alone a car, is amazing. These experiences really give you an idea of how every human thing which surrounds you comes from a factory somewhere and someone or something has worked on creating it.
In the case of Koenigsegg, the vast majority of components featured in their cars are hand-made and this point is continually brought up in the latest episode of Driven with J.F Musial, who also visited the Pagani and McLaren factories a few weeks back.
In the 30-minute documentary-type video, the man who founded the company, Christian von Koenigsegg, takes the camera through all of the detailed stages which are necessary in order for the brand to produce the incredible hypercars which it does.
Add that to the fact that just over 10 units are produced annually, and the notable point that there’s an abandoned airfield next door, and you have the perfect example of what high-end exotics are all about: Exclusivity and Speed.

In addition to exploring individual components of the Koenigsegg, specifically the Agera R, Musial was lucky enough to be taken out by the company’s 24-year old chief test driver for some high speed runs, cornering and braking on the airfield literally next door to the abandoned military base which the brand now occupies.
You’ll see all of this and more in the following video, so enjoy it!


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