World’s first "super bus" can hit 155 mph

1:55 AM

When it comes to Arabs and their cars, you can expect the craziest things ever. And this is the exact case with a sheik from the United Arab Emirates who has asked for a super bus to take him from Dubai to neighboring Abu Dhabi in under 30 minutes. Developed in Holland by an astronaut and a former Formula One aerodynamics expert, the new super bus is an electric vehicle that costs £7million, or about $10,000,000 at the current exchange rates.
The new super bus is 49ft long, 8ft wide, and 5.5ft high, and is made pf lightweight materials including aluminum, carbon fiber, fiberglass, and polycarbonate. It offers interior room for 23 passengers and can hit an impressive top speed of 155 mph.

Abu Dhabi’s traffic police chief, Brigadier General Hussein al Harethi, said: "Electrically-powered vehicles like this would not only alleviate traffic congestion but reduce air pollution. Electric vehicles are the transportation methods of today and we want to see more of them."


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