McLaren stops MP4-12C production due to safety concerns

10:12 PM

McLaren has finally started to deliver their newest supercar - the MP4-12C - and two of the units have already crashed. According to Wrecked Exotics, the first model crashed near the McLaren Technical Center in Woking, UK and the second in Hamburg, Germany. It is believed that the incident happened after drivers lost control of their cars at high speeds.
Now it seems as though McLaren has decided to stop production of the supercar due to safety problems. We don’t know if McLaren’s decision stemmed from these crashes or not, but AutoEvolution reports that the problems could affect driving safety and comfort, ranging from the brake hoses and door opening system to the glass engine cover and Iris entertainment system. There are also problems with the water ingress and the electrical cables in the dashboard.

We don’t know about you, but this sounds like a serious cause for concern and McLaren should definitely take another look at the MP4-12C. We just can’t believe that after years of development and production pushbacks, there could be so many disastrous problems with the vehicle. This could raise some serious doubt about McLaren’s future. Can they survive without Daimler? 


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