Ferrari Tribute to Targa Florio

6:21 AM

Every year Ferrari is holding a pretty cool event as a tribute to Targa Florio. And this year was no exception: clients from all over the world came to Sicily to participate in this extraordinary event: from Europe, Canada, the USA, South Africa and even Hong Kong.
The participants, clients of the Prancig Horse from all over the world, were thrilled by the event over three days, crossing some of the most beautiful landscapes in the world, discovering ancient culture along the way of the over 900 km in Sicily.
The event came to an end with a parade on Viale della Libertà. Every year there is a regularity race, and this year it was won by the 512 TR (1992) with Verghini-Fuso, ahead of the Scuderia Spider 16M (2009) with Zobele/Trentinaglia Zobele and the 328 GTS (1986) with Mehl/Mehl.


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